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致8797威尼斯老品牌外籍教职工的一封信/Message for International Faculty of Xiamen University
发布时间:2022年03月22日 访问次数:


Dear international faculty:


In recent days, local COVID-19 cases have broken out in multiple cities in Fujian Province, greatly complicating the prevention and control of the epidemic. In response, Xiamen University has decided to step up current epidemic prevention and control measures to prevent the spread of the epidemic. As of 10:00 am March 19, 2022, the Xiamen University campus has implemented a closed-loop management system. Announcement concerning the reopening of the campus depends upon the prevention situation of the epidemic. For your health, we recommend the following:



1. Please be proactive in reporting your personal health status in a timely manner.

If in the past 14 days you have been to a medium- or high-risk area or an area with locally transmitted cases, or if your travel history has overlapped with someone who has tested positive, please be proactive in reporting to your college/school or communities as soon as possible, making sure to cooperate in conducting the nucleic acid tests and other epidemic prevention and control measures. Pay close attention to your health status and refrain from outdoor activities. Please cooperate with government, community, or medical personnel if they inquire about your information. Please make sure to fill out the “Staff Daily Health Check” in Wechat Enterprise Account of Xiamen University or on website //i.xmu.edu.cn/ each day in a timely manner.



2. Please step up prevention and self-protection.

Keep up good personal hygiene habits by frequently washing your hands with soap or alcohol-based sanitizer. When coughing or sneezing, cover it with a tissue or a handkerchief. Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms. Properly dispose of used masks. Keep rooms clean and well ventilated. Remember that good rest and a healthy diet can strengthen your immune system.




3. Please refrain from outdoor activities.

The University has fully implemented online teaching, and teachers living off-campus, in principle, should not enter the campus. Faculty or staff living on campus should not leave the campus except when necessary, in which case the faculty or staff should strictly abide by the approval procedures of your college/school. The same entry-exit policy also applies to your family members, residing either on or off campus. Please strictly comply with epidemic prevention measures by scanning health codes, getting your temperature taken, wearing masks, and by keeping a one-meter social distance. Make sure to only commute between home and workplace to minimize the risk of infection.

If you have developed symptoms including fever, fatigue, cough, and/or tightness of chest, please go to the closest fever clinic of a designated hospital, and make sure to avoid public transportation when seeking treatment. Please inform your college/school or community in a timely manner.


As of March 19, 2022, all canteens on the Siming Campus and Xiang’an Campus no longer provide indoor dining service and instead only offer takeout. In principle, faculty and students should bring their own food container. The Zhangzhou campus falls under the jurisdiction of its local government.


If you need any assistance, please contact the international affairs secretary of your college/school or staff from the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange. Thank you for your support.


Office of International Cooperation and Exchange

Xiamen University
